Bring them closer birds wild to your own garden is a magical experience that more and more people want to live. However, to attract these wonderful winged friends to yours mangerthere are some common mistakes that are best avoided.
If you dream of observing a variety of colorful species landing confidently in your green space, it is essential to take note of these tips.
Find out how to create an authentic paradise for guests little birds of your neighborhood.
Keep the Feeder Clean
A frequent mistake among newbies is neglecting regular cleaning of the manger. Food residues can accumulate and become a receptacle for mold and bacteria, endangering the health of birds.
Clean the manger every week guarantees a healthy and welcoming environment for your feathered guests.
To avoid this error, you can pass the metal parts of the manger in the dishwasher and wash the plastic ones with hot soapy water.
If you also dedicate yourself to feeding the delicious hummingbirdit is essential to maintain theirs mangers clean to keep ants away and wasps.
Choose the Appropriate Feeder Type
Many new enthusiasts choose a manger relying solely on aesthetics, forgetting the importance of specific needs of the different species of birds.
If you love i finchesprefer a tube model, ideal for Nyjer seeds. For i cardinals o peakschoose a manger robust with large platforms.
Remember that the different species they love different seed varieties. Offering a wide range of food will attract more types of birds to your garden.
Offer of suitable food
Buy the first bag of seeds for birds available may not guarantee the desired success. Each species has its own food preferences.
The smaller birds they prefer small seeds, while the larger ones, such as i cardinalsthey choose robust ones like the seeds of sunflower.
Have different types available semi in different mangers it will allow you to observe a wide variety of species. To find out what your favorite birds prefer, you can do a little research on them.
Correct Positioning of Feeders
Positioning is crucial to ensure safety and accessibility to birds. Feeders must be located close to fronds o bushes where the birds can take refuge.
Avoid placing feeders in areas too exposed to wind or stressful elements.
Also consider the predators. Placing the feeder near a bush provides a safe haven from them birds of prey.
If you have pets, raise the feeder high enough to keep it out of their reach.
Keep the feeder constantly stocked
Finally, continuity is essential. The birds they will be discouraged if they find the empty manger frequently. Be sure to check your feeders daily, refilling them before they run out completely.
Another common mistake is overfilling mangers. Him too bird food they have one expiration date and they can get ruined. Use airtight containers to store the seeds and maintains the manger at a moderate level.
Avoid these common mistakes to make your garden a safe sanctuary and loved by birds!