You are a gardening enthusiast? Then you will know that each plant has its own rhythms and its own specific needs. But there’s a plant in your garden that holds a secret that might surprise you when spring arrives.
You will discover how a simple understanding of its needs can transform your green corner into a real one floral paradise.
Risks of winter pruning
During the cold winter months, the temptation to prune the plants to prepare them for the arrival of spring is strong. However, this gesture can disturb the natural dormancy of many species.
Cutting branches at this stage can lead to stress and, consequently, to an increase in vulnerability to illnesses and at infections.
Additionally, open cuts can become entry points due to the cold, compromising the health of the plant.
The hidden magic of the Laurier tin
Il laurier tinalso known as viburnum viburnum, is one of the shrubs that benefit most from an opening to the spring flowering without interference.
With its leaves persistent and his white flowers that emerge during the winter, this shrub is a wonder for all garden lovers.
Pruning during the winter means eliminating those sprouts that bring the long-awaited flowers.
Protect your sprouts
Let i laurier tin sprouts remain intact during the winter. They’re the little ones guardians of life which prepare the ground for a spectacle of colors e perfumes in the new season.
Premature cuts would mean sacrificing some of this beauty.
Special care and attention
To ensure that yours laurier tin bloom in all its splendor, it is fundamental take care of their health. L’irrigation is essential, but make sure the soil is well drained.
Add del compost well decomposed in spring to ensure the right supply of nutrients. And remember to place it in a place sunny and repaired by cold winds.
Patience, a virtue to be cultivated
Resist the temptation to garden perfectly tidy and learn to respect the natural rhythms of plants.
By leaving the Laurier Tin alone during the winter, you are sure to enjoy a spectacular result with the arrival of spring: a stronger laurier, a more flowering plentiful and rich in nuances that he will really know enchant you.
Remember that even for other species, such as orchids or hyacinths, there are small care techniques that can make a big difference!