Discover one Monstera With yellowed leaves it can be a real blow to the heart for plants fans. But don’t despair! There is a natural method Which promises to revive your Monstera in just seven days.
Imagine leaves of a lush green and they will seem almost sparkling of health! Do you want to know how to get this green miracle?
Continue reading to find out more and become an expert in taking care of your precious corner of a domestic garden.
When the leaves of yours Monstera They begin to yelling, it is important to identify the possible causes. The most common include excess or lack of water, poor quality of the soil or inadequate exposure to light.
However, the main secret to bring back to its natural splendor a yellowed Monstera lies in the use of natural resources that stimulate the plant without forcing it.
Improves the soil with natural resources
One of the fundamental aspects of the care of plants is the quality of land. Your Monstera may need a land rich in nutrients.
You can enrich it using organic compost Or adding natural fertilizers such as chopped egg shells or coffee grounds.
These elements not only provide precious nutrients, but also improve the water retention of the soil, essential to avoid yellowing due to water changes.
Water with moderation
The water is vital for plants, but excessive irrigation can be fatal. Make sure your Monstera receives sufficient water without being subject to stagnation.
A useful trick is to control the humidity of the soil with a finger: if the ground is still humid at least 2-3 cm deep, wait a few days before watering again.
Using water at room temperature can also prevent thermal shocks.
Exposure and light: find the right balance
The Monstera thrives in bright environments, but one direct light Too intense it can burn the leaves and cause the yellowing. Place the plant near a window, but far from the direct rays of the sun.
This guarantees a optimal balance between shadow and light, favoring the growth healthy of the leaves.
Revitalizes with natural extracts
In addition to improving the soil and adjust irrigation, you can use natural extracts to help your plant recover.
Extracts like that of sea algae or compost tea are perfect for providing a boost of energy and regenerating your plants quickly and naturally.
These help to improve the resistance of the plant against environmental diseases and stress.
Apply these simple tricks and look at like yours Monstera Back to live with a vigorous green that will envy anyone who enters your home.