Have you ever thought about how much the organic waste you produce can turn into a treasure for your garden? The domestic compost It is an ecological method not only to reduce waste, but also to improve the quality of your soil.
Find out how to make yours composting The most effective double thanks to simple and practical advice. Do not miss the opportunity to discover secrets that could revolutionize your way of gardening!
Choice of the right compostiere
The first step for a successful compost It is to choose the right type of composter. On the market there are various options, each with its specific advantages.
I composers in wood o plastic they are ideal for external use, while a Lombricompostiere It adapts perfectly to the apartments, thanks to its ability to convert waste with the help of worms that accelerate the decomposition process.
Balance between carbon and nitrogen
To obtain a quality compost, it is essential to maintain an adequate Balance between carbon and nitrogen.
The materials they contain carbonlike dry and cardboard leaves, must be combined with those they bring nitrogenlike plant waste and coffee funds.
This balance helps i micro-organism to work more efficiently, accelerating the decomposition and reducing unwanted smells.
Promote ventilation and humidity
And well aerated compost And wet decomposes much more quickly. Remember to mix your own regularly compost using a special fork or profession.
This procedure allows a uniform distribution of Micro-organism And it accelerates the decomposition. A correct level of humidity is equally crucial; Compost should appear as a slightly squeezed sponge.
Manage humidity
Keeping the right humidity is not difficult: if the material is dry, just add a little water, while if it is too humid, it incorporates dry materials like wooden chips.
Maintaining the right balance avoids the formation of mold and bad smells.
Reduce and chop waste
The more your organic waste are small, the faster the process of composting. Chop finely chop the food remains and plants residues facilitates work for the Micro-organism.
Consider the use of garden scissors or a shredder for larger materials.
Make compost unassailable from parasites
No garden is immune to parasites, but you can take measures to protect yours compost. Make sure that the composting be well sealed and uses a fine metal network to avoid access to rodents.
To avoid attracting, varies the layers of dry and humid materials and take into consideration the use of anti-insect networks.
Use natural activators
The Compost activators natural can give a remarkable impulse to decomposition. Plants such as nettle and consolida major stimulate the process when put into small quantities.
In addition, many gardeners use specific tisanes to colonize the accumulation with natural enzymes. Do you want to get even better results? He also explores the use of commercial activators available in gardening centers.