Il melo it is undoubtedly one of the best choices when it comes to growing fruit in your garden. Not only does it offer delicious and nutritious fruits, but also natural beauty that enriches any green space.
However, to get a abundant harvest and healthy plants, there is one fundamental aspect that many inexperienced gardeners they might overlook.
Let’s find out together what this crucial detail is that you should never forget when growing an apple tree. The key to the next success in your orchard it could depend exactly on this.
The choice of the type of apple tree
When planting a meloit is important to decide between a tree a bare roots or one in container. A bare-root apple tree is often preferred due to its lower cost and ability to adapt better to the soil once planted.
Furthermore, the vigor of the tree is not compromised by the limited space of the container. Think about it: you want a tree that can grow freely and develop a system robust radical?
When to plant the apple tree
The ideal time to plant a melo it is between the end of November and the beginning of March, before the tree resumes its vegetative activity. The traditional celebration of Saint Catherine November 25th is often cited as the ideal day to start.
In this period, in fact, the climatic conditions allow the tree to adapt without the stress of heat or frost. And then, ready to put your hands in fresh land in autumn?
Where to plant the apple tree
The choice of planting location can determine the long-term health of yours melo. Apple trees are said to prefer soil rich and deepbut they can adapt to different types of terrain.
Make sure the soil is well drained and, if possible, in an al position sole or partially shaded in areas with very hot summers. This way, your apple tree will have the best conditions for a vigorous growth.
Root preparation
The root care of an apple tree a bare roots It’s a step you can’t skip. Start by cutting off any roots that appear damaged using a couple of disinfected shears.
Did you know that cutting healthy roots encourages the development of new, vigorous rootlets? After that, you can proceed to pralinament: a bath in a natural mixture of soil, water and organic material to prevent the roots from drying out or rotting.
Preparation of the soil
Don’t neglect the soil preparation a few weeks before planting your apple tree. Dig a large enough area and remove both the first layer of earth than the deeper one.
This preliminary work will allow a optimal accommodation of the tree. Don’t forget to enrich the soil with well decomposed compost or to add ground horns to nourish the roots. And you’re ready for the big step, that of planting your tree!
Plant the apple tree
Now that the soil is prepared, it’s time to plant. Dig a hole of approx 60-80cm wide e 60cm deep. Fix a guardian in the direction of the prevailing winds to protect the tree.
Think about the guardian as to a growth companion which will help your tree maintain stability. Finally, position the tree, earth up the soil without burying the collar and water abundantly.
With these tips, you are ready to begin your apple tree growing journey. Do you want to expand your garden with other surprising elements? Learn more about porcelain flowers or how to make one urban garden on your balcony with the most suitable vegetables in this guide.
Or, make sure you have the most suitable perennials for an ever-blooming garden.