Winter brings with it the desire to maintain warm house and welcoming, however, neglect theventilation can lead to problems such as humidity e mold.
But when is it really the right time to open the windows? Let’s find out together how to maintain a healthy environment without increasing the costs too much heating.
The cold is back: why avoid airing from 8 to 10 in the morning
Many people think that airing the house early in the morning is ideal, but in winter it’s a practice not recommended. Temperatures are usually lower during these hours and opening the windows between 8 and 10 risks cool the environment too much.
This not only forces the heater to work harder, but also increases the bills energy.
The best times to air your home
To avoid wasting energy, it is recommended to open windows between 11 e 16. During this time, outdoor temperatures tend to be higher mitereducing the heat loss accumulated.
This practice not only helps keep the room warmer, but also improves the air quality in your home.
If the windows are exposed to sud o westtaking advantage of this position will allow the sole to naturally heat the interior, further improving theenergy efficiency.
Strategies for effective ventilation
It doesn’t take much to do it difference! When airing the house, it is more efficient to open the windows large for short periods, rather than prolonged periods with small openings.
Giving cross ventilation a chance allows a wave of fresh air and reduce thehumidity.
Also remember to reduce the slightly heating while you ventilate, but without turning it off. This helps conserve heat without excessive consumption.
Discover other useful strategies for fighting mold e waste energy to fight mold and waste.
Don’t forget that proper ventilation doesn’t just improve yours well being physical, but also that of your home.
Be sure to follow these guidelines to get the most out of your attempts to improve your living spaces, transforming them into a healthy and comfortable.